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Oldguy Blog


The Beginning of the End

It has been a while since I last wrote in the blog. Today, I was thinking about what is going on in America. I really got to say, I...

The Times, They are a Changing

I was just thinking about the latest election results and politics in America. As a lifelong independent voter, I feel comfortable...

Follow the Money?

I was just thinking about the immigration issues we are all experiencing on our Southern Boarder. A couple million people have illegally...

Pregnant Men????

I was just thinking about all the woke crap going on throughout our society. The other day I was a video cut of a US Senate hearing...

Roe vs January 6

I was just thinking about the hearings going on about the January 6 demonstration at the Capitol Building. I watched most of the...

America's "Bumbledorf"

I was just thinking about where our current government administration and US Congress is taking America. The mistaken conception is that...

Gun Control vs People

I was just thinking about the horrible shooting event in Texas yesterday. Nineteen 8-9 year old babies and a couple teachers perished in...

Roe v Wade Draft Opinion

I was just thinking about all the controversy and protest surrounding the Roe vs Wade issue today. I guess a draft opinion from one of...

The Rise of the Great American Buffoon

I was just thinking about the buffoon we have running the Country right now. At my age, I remember my first President was Eisenhower. ...

Roe vs Marx????

I was just thinking this morning about the apparent leak of a draft opinion regarding Roe vs Wade in the US Supreme Court. According to...

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