It has been a while since I last wrote in the blog. Today, I was thinking about what is going on in America. I really got to say, I don't know if it can be saved at this point. The communist movement in America is getting stronger everyday. The once great Democratic Party has evolved into the American Communist Party. They called themselves "progressives" but we all know what that stands for. They will tell you that there is noway they are communist. They are "democratic socialists", not communists. Well, almost all the leading countries today that are known communist-controlled, started as democratic socialists. Democratic socialists have candidates, campaigns, and elections just like America. However, they have all evolved into a one-party politically controlled nation.
In World history, there has never been a country evolve into a communist controlled country peacefully. The communist movement in America is very unique compared to the rest of the World. The New Democrat Party wants to move America to a totalitarian controlled government peacefully. They have studied all the great communists in history. Both Karl Marx and Lenin, professed the need to address the education and indoctrination the youth to solidify the future of the party in years to come. In the American public education system for the past 30 years I am aware of, they have been slowly indoctrinating our children into their "progressive" curricula.
They focused on getting all religion and its link to education and families out of public schools. They accomplished that slowly in the 1950s and 1960s. Then they started working on destroying the family structure in America, pushing the ideal that the kids belong to the State, not the parents. They also began not teaching historical events that put America in good light and focused on anything bad the U.S. had done. They were turning the kids against their own country. As the indoctrinations continued without much resistance from parents, they began to push Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender identity, and sexuality to further destroy the family structure in America. At first is was primarily in the college systems, but as they became bolder, they moved this curricula all the way down to the primary grades. Then, along came Covid. The teacher unions and lazy school district administrations pushed to keep the kids home while they did "online" instruction at the kid's home. Unfortunately for them, moms were also home watching what crap their kids were being taught online. Now, all of the progressive indoctrinations are under attack by the American parent. But is it too late?
We have been turning out these indoctrinated little commies from our public school systems for the past 40 years or so. With the apathy of the American parent and their blind trust of what their kids were being taught, the indoctrinations got stronger and stronger over the years. Each graduating class from the high schools and colleges were more and more progressive. Today, the leading voice for democratic socialism in America is a 25-35 year old, college educated, female activist. Males of the same age group are just as indoctrinated and committed, but not a vocal as their female colleagues. If you don't believe it, look at Biden's administration staffers.
What scares me the most is the divisions in America today. America is more divided today than it was during the Civil War. Tensions are so high between political parties that violence is becoming an expectation, not a distant option. The New Democrat Party is larger and more coordinated than the Republican Party. However, neither party can get elected without the help of the independent parties, and unaffiliated voters in America. However, the Democrats believe they are at the point of no return. They believe it is time to drive the stake into the heart of the American free enterprise system and the US Constitution. They believe they are at the power level that will take them over the top into democratic socialism forever. If they are allowed to continue to indoctrinate our kids over the next 20 years or so, they could peacefully destroy our America we grew up in for their totalitarian option. However, if they keep pushing their aggression to forcibly make Americans accept total government control, it will revert back to a violent conclusion in my opinion. Their impatience might be their downfall. I see more that just the education of our youth as their focus to overthrow our form of government. I will write more as I see it emerge.