I was just thinking about the hearings going on about the January 6 demonstration at the Capitol Building. I watched most of the coverage before the violence at the Capitol Building including President Trump's rally speech. Although I never heard him say "go attack" the Capitol and teardown the place, he did excite the group and encourage them to march to the Capitol Building and make your message be heard. I watched as they march down the street to the Capitol Park and begin their demonstration that eventually led some of them to breakdown the barriers and enter the building. What they did was wrong and they should be penalized appropriately for their actions. Of course, all of this has become super political by the Democratic Party primarily because they don't have anything else to run on. Now, I guess they think they can add the Roe vs Wade decision as a political issue, but they are still floundering in their own democratic socialism movement politically.
After everything that went down on January 6 that was politically manufactured for the midterm elections for the Democrats, I now see the liberals back on the street over the Roe vs Wade strike down. I see and hear politicians like Schumer, Maxine Waters, AOC, and Elizabeth Warren out on the streets encouraging prochoice demonstrators to "fight", "defy the decision", "take to the streets" to make the World know how mad they are about the overturn of Roe vs Wade. In the case of the January 6 issue, the Dems are calling is an attempted insurrection against a government institution trying to do its job. So, what in the hell would you call all the crap the Dems have put out there about Roe vs Wade? The kangaroo committee investigating the January 6 issue is trying to accuse President Trump of "inciting an insurrection". What is the difference between the rhetoric of the radical Dems calling for street action and fighting over Roe vs Wade, and January 6?
I think the most disgusting response I have heard from Biden and his group of commies is how they have taken the issue and instead of clarify the decision for all to understand, they have turned it into their latest re-election bid. They don't give a damn about abortions or women's rights. All they are concerned about is maintaining their power base and controlling the message. I saw it with the disaster in the Texas grammar school where Biden immediately made it a gun control political issue before they had even buried the first baby killed. The bottomline is that the democratic socialists, now running the Democratic Party, do not care about kids being slaughtered in their classrooms, or abortion clinics. All they care about is maintain their power at whatever cost. Congress has turned out another symbolic gun control law that primarily only further restricts law abiding citizen gun owners. At the same time, Congress has had almost 50 years to pass a law that would have codified Roe vs Wade and protect it from the overturn and have never even considered such a bill. Obama had a solid majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate (60) his first two years in office. It would have taken about a week to write and pass the bill to protect Roe vs Wade. However, it they did that there would lose another ongoing political issue to run on.
Well now, I'm probably more pro-life than prochoice. However, I do believe that women should have the right to choose to terminate a pregnancy for whatever reason up to a limited timeline. In my opinion, normal abortions should be limited to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. After that timeline, abortions should only be considered for health and safety issues of either the mother or the baby. That's my opinion only. I have no real experience of authority to have anything but an opinion.