I was just thinking this morning about the apparent leak of a draft opinion regarding Roe vs Wade in the US Supreme Court. According to reports, the leak was delivered to Politico to announce to the World Monday night. Historically, this is the first such "leak" in the Supreme Count process in over 100 years. The integrity of the Court has been sacrificed by those that pursue anarchy in America today. Regardless of what case is before the Supreme Court, this destruction of the integrity of the Court and its processes are far more important than the case itself. The "leak" is a draft from February when the Justices took, what could be considered a straw vote, in an initial draft opinion. There is no authority to the draft or indication that it represents the final decision of the Court. However, the protestors almost instantaneously appeared in front of the Supreme Court to start their protest of a decision not even made yet. I even noticed in news video a couple of protestors wearing the gay-rights flag as a cover while protesting. By any means, it is extraordinary how the protest almost began before the news announcement.
Roe vs Wade is a decision made by the Court many years ago that gave Federal authority to pregnant women whether to continue the pregnancy or terminate it. The arguments against Roe vs Wade have been primarily based around States rights to legislate abortion law, versus the Federal Government dictating abortion rights. The Congress has not been able to put a bill in front of a President to make Roe vs Wade a real law. The State contends that the abortion decision should be the responsibility of each State, not the Federal Government. That way, the people of each State could decide whether they wanted abortions in their State or not. The case before the Supreme Court today is just that issue. The State of Mississippi has passed a law that would limit abortions after the first 15 weeks of the pregnancy. The contention between the two sides is based on the idea that if the Supreme Court decides that the State of Mississippi can impose restrictions to abortions in their State it would overturn Roe vs Wade. The decision doesn't eliminate abortions protected by Roe vs Wade, it puts the decision back in the hands of the respective State. If the abortion proponents want Federal abortion protections, they need for their representatives in Congress to pass and get signed a bill that makes it a formal law.
In my opinion, women have the right to decide what to do about their own bodies. I am also a pro-life person that believes babies are people at conception, not birth. If a pregnant woman decides to abort their baby for whatever reason, I believe that is their decision to make. I just want them to know and accept that they are in fact killing their child in the process. Where I become confused is in the issue of personal health and decision rights that an individual has in today's World. If I'm a pregnant lady I have the right to decide whether to keep my child or end its life. However, I don't have the right to decide not to wear a mask in certain places, or whether to get a vaccine or not. I find the Federal Government's decisions and policies somewhat confusing on personal health and personal rights.
The bottomline here folks has to be related to the ultra division within our great country of freedom. Those that wish to destroy our Constitution and replace it with a "democratic socialist" form of government, have absolutely no regards or concerns for anyones perceived rights or freedoms. Even though they want you believe they are the party of minorities, they have done nothing specifically for any minority unless they think they can gain their votes. After the election, they return to ignoring the minority and its needs. This group or movement calls itself the "Progressives". Totally immersed in the Marxist doctrines, the Progressives will do anything to push their principles on the American people. Unfortunately, the Progressive movement has imbedded itself within the Democratic Party. That has almost destroyed the foundations of the Democratic Party and turned it into the party of Karl Marx. What Americans have to clearly accept is that the Constitutional freedoms of all Americans is under attack by a movement that will lead to the totalitarian governmental control and eventual communism. We are looking at elections this year and in 2024 that will finalize Americans decisions on which form of governance they want.