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The Rise of the Great American Buffoon

James OMalley

I was just thinking about the buffoon we have running the Country right now. At my age, I remember my first President was Eisenhower. In all the Presidents after that, I can't remember one as mis-informed, unprepared, or socially ignorant as our present day President. Those that voted for Biden in 2020 only because of their hate for Trump should really be proud of themselves right now. Those leftists that saw the opportunity to bring America down with anarchy in the streets, woke philosophies, and pushing on the Marxist doctrines have employed a "do or die" attitude that continues to dominate White House policies. The Democratic Party should be proud of what they have done to our freedoms and Constitutional law in the White House and across the Country in "blue" States.

However, I have to give Biden some credit for finally trying to identify his opposition in a speech the other day. There he identified all the problems in the Country are on the backs of some Americans now called the "ultra MAGA'S", what ever the hell that means. So let me see if I can flesh this out a little. Ultra MAGA'S must be those that were supporters of the past President, and they are directly up against the ultra Progressives, that represent those that want the American governing system to change to what they call "democratic socialism". Biden, who's Presidency depends on the Progressive support, has surrounded himself with these leftist ideologists as his top advisers. To gain and maintain their support, Biden has moved from a moderate democrat position to the ultra leftist ideology. He is being controlled and directed by the very people that want to overthrow the government he now runs.

What do these two groups stand for? The old Trump supporters, referred to as the Ultra MAGAS basically want the American freedoms guaranteed by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights, boarder control, pro-life, and small government. Ultra Progressives are for bringing down our existing government and replacing it with a one-party system that will control almost everything in our lives. The argument from these revolutionists is based around the principle that the American people in general are too uneducated and lazy to govern themselves. Only the elite few have the education and skill to make all the decisions for America and its general population. I am sure we all could bring examples that support their ideology. However, this totalitarian society does nothing to give the opportunity for people to aspire to higher levels in this society. It is more of a class system with no change of changing classes. There would be no Constitution or Bill of Rights, but only what the latest edict from the central government. By the way, "democratic socialist" countries almost always end up as one-party Communist dictatorships. Examples: China, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, etc.

Bottomline is America was formed on a representative government that debates and decides on laws the people of our land agree to live under. The multi-party system in America has lead us to a debate and consensus governing model. I find it hard to believe today that Americans will accept the concepts of socialism anytime soon. However, if Americans don't take back control of their children's education soon, America will have generations of indoctrinated voters believing in the socialist principles. America is under siege by groups of those that want our freedoms and economy destroyed in favor of a new form of government. There are no shots being fired yet, but each year our education systems are turning out more and more sympathizers to the socialist way of life.


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