I was just thinking about where our current government administration and US Congress is taking America. The mistaken conception is that the far left is just fumbling around and aren't clear as to what America, and its freedoms are all about. What's going on in America by the far left is a long way from fumbling around. They are closely following the principles and programs of Karl Marx on their way to hopefully overthrowing the current American government and replacing it with an elitist form of communism. They have been working on this transition since the Teddy Roosevelt administration, calling it the "progressive" movement. The initial pieces of this movement were very small and hard recognize as a threat. Today, the movement has decided it has reached a critical mass and are pushing as hard as ever before to take giant steps toward the destruction of American freedoms and the US Constitution.
Our public school system has moved toward this movement since the 1950s, and are now pushing full-blown communist principles in our classrooms from Kindergarten through High School. Liberal colleges have transformed into little commie citizenship centers for the past few decades starting back in the 1960s. Karl Marx says the key to stabilization of the new communist movement is in the education and indoctrination of the youth. Generation after generation in America has been turned out of public schools more socially engineered than educated. Everything from anti-gun programs to Critical Race Theory(CRT) and gender identity have been the focus of most curricula presented to our children day after day at our public schools. It's ironic that the American taxpayer is actually funding the eventual overthrow of our government in public schools. Make no mistake, CRT and gender identity are principles supported by the Marxist doctrines and programs. It's encouraging to see parents working to take back their public schools systems from the teacher union hand picked school board members and trying to control what their kids are being taught. Quite frankly, if we don't change this internal cancer called communism from being taught our children, we will be relegated to the eventual transition to the Marxist principles when these kids get old enough to vote. It's just a matter of numbers.
As for President Bumbledorf, please don't mistake his inability to walk and talk clearly with his ability to push for the progressive movement. High energy prices are welcomed by Joe Biden. His attack on fossil fuels and runaway spending have led us to this inflationary situation by design. His attack on legal gun owners of America to address a few nut cases, is by design. All the communist world knows it would be almost impossible to take over America as long as they are armed and dangerous. Ask the Russian Army how those citizens with guns are doing against them in the Ukraine. No, this is all by design to bring down America and put in its place as another dominated country and people led by and controlled by the elite. In the next couple of elections, if the people of America don't step up and stop this far left communist movement in America, we will be relegated to living without our guaranteed freedoms and representative government. The elitists believe the general population of America are dumb and lazy and won't stand up to governmental change because they really haven't up to this date. Hopefully, the elitists of America are about to learn how much the American people feel about their freedoms.