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Whoopi, Whoopi, Whoopi????

James OMalley

I was just thinking about one of my favorite actresses Whoopi Goldberg, and her rather ignorant statements she shared on TV the other day. She unfortunately espoused that the Holocaust was not a racial issue, but just "mans inhumanity to man". Well now, I don't have to tell you what kind of reaction she got from mostly everyone. Obviously, she was not aware of what is a race and what is racism.

Hitler was on a crusade to create the master race, and he was convinced it was German. He attacked and killed millions of jews during World War II, based on the belief that their race was inferior to the Germans, and because they embraced communism, which was an even stronger hate in the minds of Hitler. However, Hitler also killed thousands of non-Jewish people too. To purify his own German heritage, he had all the physically and mentally handicapped German people, including men, women and children, killed before he ever got started on the Jews. As he conquered more and more European Countries, he eliminated anyone that didn't immediately comply to his new dictatorship.

Regardless of the atrocities Hitler committed, Whoopi seems to be ignorant of what race and racism really means. It seems that her standard for racism has to be between someone that is not the same color as the other guy. I believe she applies her standards to the premise that race is only white, black, brown, red or yellow. The reality is races are color blind. Let's take the Jewish race for example. There are all colors of folks that were born and raised Jewish. Whoopi, it is not a color thing.

It's not hard to see where Whoopi has gone wrong on race and racism. We have primarily identified American populations by their color. We have taught our children that color dictates race. Now, we are trying to teach our kids that different colors will identify who will be the suppressor and who will be the suppressed with this CRT crap. According to the Dictionary a definition of "race" is: A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographical distribution, such as the German race. Bottomline is Whoopi was not aware of the real definition of race so it's not a surprise that she made the misstatement. Does that mean she should be fired from the TV show? If we were applying standards that got others removed from the program, I would say yes. However, ignorance doesn't seem to meet the same application as malice.


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