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What Ever Happened to Woke?

James OMalley

I was just thinking about the war in the Ukraine and how it has effected the news cycles in America. Obviously, we are watching closely the unsurprising aggression of another nut job trying to conquer the World, starting with the Ukraine. It is very understandable that the primary focus of all the media in America is this historical and latest attempt by a dictator in the European Region to conquer and destroy existing governments. However, what has happened to all the major issues we were dealing with 10 days ago? Is this distraction letting these other issues go unmonitored?

We were dealing with such issues as Inflation, Open Boarders, Oil Costs, Racism, White Supremacy, Democratic Socialism, Wokeism, BLM, Antifa, and Education Control just to list a few. There are investigations on election misappropriations, voter fraud, election sabotage, and of course the very partisan investigation of the January 6, 2021 violence at the Capitol. Where has the daily updates on all these issues gone. I haven't heard anything on how many illegals are crossing the boarder, or how Hillary was spying on Trumps 2016 campaign. You can't just shut these things off and leave us without updates. It would be like cancelling Days of Our Lives and waiting for the feedback from the millions of watchers each day.

Except for a few remarks AOC made about what Biden said about funding the police in the State of the Union Speech, there hasn't been anything coming from the squad being reported. What happened to the never-ending rhetoric about racism this and racism that? What about how Americans have to reduce their fossil fuel use without any real affordable or efficient replacements? Where are we with the controversy over who has the control of who, what, when and where our children will be educated in public education? What has happened to all the illegal aliens that have been secretly and quietly moved into communities across the Country? Why are we imposing sanctions on Russia because of their attempts to start World War III, while we still are importing oil from them?

Between 2016 and 2020, we never had inflation. We had a great economy growing and expanding daily. We had American companies returning to America and our allies and enemies in the World found themselves up against someone that said it like it was and how it would be dealt with if necessary. We saw unemployment numbers better than they had been in decades, including minority unemployment lowest in history. The Countries of NATO began paying their required dues to the organization, and the Chinese and Russians were not looking to challenge America. However, the left hated the President because he was rude and brash. He attacked the mainstream media and progressive cable networks on a daily basis. He was identified as racist and a womanizer. So, the left decided to pull all the stops out to keep this hated President from being re-elected, and they were successful.

However, the bottomline is that they sacrificed all commonsense and reality to elect a ticket full of incompetency and weakness. In all my years the Biden/Harris ticket is the worse group taking the Whitehouse I have ever seen. However, due to the hate for the Trump administration by the left, they were able to create a coalition of moderate and extreme leftists to elect this ticket. In fact, their hate would have elected Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck just to get rid of Trump. Now, we are paying the price for their hate. I just hope it is not the ominous end of our American society.


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