I was just thinking about the controversy and chaos centered around the State of Florida's new bill restricting sexual education and gender indoctrination instruction to public school students in grades K-3, or ages 4-8. The bill also clearly identifies parental rights as it pertains to the education of their children in Florida public schools. The "wokers" of the ultimate left in our Country have attacked the Florida State Legislature for passing such a bill, and have focused on attacking Governor DeSantis for his signing and support of the bill. They have presented their opposition to the legislation as an "anti-gay bill", when in fact there is no mention of gay or, for that matter, straight sexual preferences in the bill. It simply states that there will be no sexual instruction of any kind for those grade levels and/or age levels.
The woke left believe sexual identity and gender identification instruction should be taught to all children at the earliest of ages and grade levels. They believe you should be telling the youngest school students that they may feel like they are a boy or a girl regardless of their born sexual identification. Some of the materials they have proposed for and presented to some of these youngest students could be considered child pornography in some circles. Some public school libraries are contaminated with books and materials supporting the sexual confusion of our children to the point of needed therapy. The new bill in Florida was created by the State Legislature and passed by both houses before being sent to the Governor for signature. Here again, the woke left are telling parents they have nothing to say about what is being taught to their children everyday at public school.
Well now, after all the hubbub around the signing of the bill, the Disney Corporation, based in California, has come out to not only oppose the new bill in Florida, but to commit to repealing it in the future. I am sure Walt Disney is spinning around in his grave over what his life's work has become. The Disney Corporation is in the entertainment, vacation, and recreation business, not the political world of public schools. There have been some stock holders and management people that do not agree with the official Disney political position that have leaked videos and emails of the Board of Directors discussing how the future of Disney entertainment will focus more on the support of LGBTQ community and gender identity messages. I'm not sure how they are going to do this. Maybe there will be animated films where Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck come out as "closeted" gays or trans. At least, parents will be able to decide for these age groups, 4-8 years old, whether their children will be exposed to these principles before they can even understand them. Public schools, however, have a captured population that will be indoctrinated with whatever curricula they decide is "best" for our kids.
Now, only a real fool would believe that large corporations should not and will not become political in today's World. Big business is second only to the population as a whole in having the ultimate influence on our government. Most big business support candidates in elections, lobby for legislation, sit on governmental advisory committees, and try to influence policy to help their ultimate responsibility of generating profit. Jumping into a nationwide fight over whether parents have the right to decide what their children will be taught in public schools because of the corporation's support of the LBGTQ community is just dumb, and harmful to the health of the corporation in general. To me, the bottomline of the Disney Corporation position has dimmed the shine of Disney in general and provided the parents of youngsters today a decision as to whether they want their children's entertainment to approach these issues or not. As for the public school issues, I believe it's time for America to rethink how they are educating their children. Whether they choose charter schools, religious schools, home schooling or their public schools, parents need to take back control of their schools and the curricula so they can be confident of the final product as their customer.