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More Kids, More Curricula

James OMalley

I was just thinking about what our public schools systems across the Country are doing to the early grade curricula. The social engineering bug has embedded itself in a lot of the ultra liberal school boards across the United States. Karl Marx philosophies are established and installed in the ideologies of most of the Teacher Union hand-picked school boards. School boards that are fighting with parents and communities to install gender identity and sexual preference instruction in early grades of elementary schools are not only wrong, but actually boarding on perversion and pedophilia. That might sound harsh, but let's look at the facts of their perversions.

Young children between the ages of say 1 and 8, at least, are not prepared mentally to comprehend instruction about their gender identity or sexual preference. Parents know that instinctively and try to teach the child to control their sexual parts from peeing their pants, as well as, the need for them to keep their sexual parts covered with clothes when outside. When their little ones start school, parents expect the teachers to continue focusing on basic academic skills and socialization without any focus on genders or sex at least until they reach the age of beginning puberty. Then, the parents can, and most do, grant authority to the school to present their child the basic instruction on what is happening to their bodies and why. There is still no instruction included on gender identity or sexual preferences. Now, parents are being told that is not enough. Children may or may not have confusion and anxiety over their feelings of gender identity and/or sexual preferences, and public schools are required to present these options to their kids in the classroom. When parents object to this instructional curriculum, they are told they have nothing to say about it. These children have the right to be whatever they want to be and we are going to teach them how to be successful, regardless of their ages. In my opinion, sex and gender identity are topics parents are still responsible to address, not the public school system.

So, how did we get here in our public schools in America? Well now, you have to start at the basic principle in America called the "progressive movement'. It is called "progressive" because that is exactly what it is. It started back in the Teddy Roosevelt administration and has evolved to what it is today. Basically, their ideologies are centered around changing America into a "democratic socialist" form of government, on the progressive road to full-blown communism. If you don't believe me, ask the people of China, Cuba, Argentina, or North Korea. They all started as a "democratic socialist" form of government. So, why is this important to our children?

The future of America and any other Country is based in the future generations coming up to take leadership roles in our communities. Democratic socialists know that indoctrinating our young people is key to their ultimate success and overthrow of our free society. In fact, the curricula that have been imposed upon our children for the past 30 years is directed at indoctrinating the Marxist principles in their standards of life. As an example, if you look at who is pushing the "progressive movement" in America today, they are primarily young people that have been throughly indoctrinated in our public schools and colleges of today.

There is hope on the horizon. It came in the disaster of the Covid virus and the shutdown of our public schools. Children were required to learn at home on a laptop. It sounds harmless to most people. However, parents began to see exactly what was being taught their children in the areas of gender identity, sexual preferences and Critical Race Theory. Undoubtedly, parents became concerned about what was being taught their kids. They went to school board meetings and were basically attacked by the school boards and teachers unions with their basic belief that parents don't have anything to say about what their children are taught at school. Well now, that was the best thing to happen to a movement that almost all parents and citizens do not want. The war is on between school boards and parents. More and more parents are running to replace the handpicked board members of the teachers unions. At the same time, the politicians that have aligned themselves with this movement are looking at a real hard time to gain re-election in this upcoming election season. At the Federal level, the House of Representatives and the US Senate are looking at massive turnover of power through elections with highly pissed off parents, grandparents, and citizens in this Country that have had enough of this "democratic socialist" crap.

However, we the people can't rest after the upcoming election and just return to our apathetic ways of life. Remember that this movement is called the "progressive movement". They will not stop their attempts to change our freedoms and lives with one or two elections. We must put an end to any politicians and groups in our society that propose to change our Constitutional government into socialism and/or communism principles. This threat will always be here if we don't learn how to control it. Carefully research and vet all your candidates running for public office on your ballot. Run for school boards and local government offices to have a local voice. Change policies and procedures that restrict future movements of this sort. I personally believe that no person should be an elected member of a school board that does not have a child, or grandchild in the district. That will make sure the parents retain control of their children's education.


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