I was just thinking about the controversy in Florida over a new bill the Governor just signed into law. The law basically prevents schools in Florida from teaching sexual-based curriculum to children in Kindergarten through Third Grade, without first gaining approval from the parent(s). The entire focus of this new law is to stop some school districts in Florida from presenting any references to gender identity to K-3 students, normally an age group of 4-8 years old, and solidifies parental rights as the ultimate authority for their children. There is no reference to LBGT, gay, or trans people in the new law. And yet, the woke left and some woke corporations have labeled the law as the "anti gay law" in Florida.
Major woke corporations, such as Disney, have come out strongly against the new law. Disney has even committed to work to overthrow the new law as the "anti-gay law". I am pretty sure the ground around the burial sight of Walt Disney is beginning to vibrate. His upper management team has been taken over by a minority of young woke managers that believe a private company can and will decide what will happen to this new law. Regardless of the fact that this law was decided on by a bipartisan vote of the elected Legislators of the State of Florida and signed by the elected Governor of Florida, Disney says it has to be repealed. Maybe Disney would be better off purging their Board of Directors of those woke Directors hell-bent on bringing down the great 'family' entertainment corporation of America.
Let's look a little deeper in this new Disney policy and the emerging hypocrisy they are moving toward. Disney is looking into expanding into at least 10 new Countries that have laws banning all homosexuality, with very severe penalties. The new Disney Board of Directors have decided that from now on introductions in the parks will not start with "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls", but will start with something like "welcome dreamers of all ages". I think the dreamers are those on the Board of Directors. I see Disney shooting itself in the foot. Half of the folks coming to Disney parks are conservative and do not support woke policies. I predict if they keep this fight against a law that really has nothing to do with the LBGT community, they will see a significant drop in their customer base.
The bottomline is that Governor DeSantis of Florida, signed a bill into law that protects the rights of parents to make decisions for their children in schools, as well as, protecting the very youngest public school students from being exposed to discussions of sex much before they are mature enough to even understand the conversation. This woke thing has been indoctrinating our children in public schools at the upper levels for the past 30-40 years. The graduates of those days are now in charge at some organizations demanding this new wokism be the policies of the land. Simply another movement toward "democratic socialism", these type of movements are not supported yet by the majority of Americans, and will ultimately get struck down for now. However, if we do not take back control of our public school systems and strike this cancer down in our curricula, we will someday reach the level where the majority will be replaced by these wokers and we will be calling each other "comrades".